Evanora: You know, my sister has been telling me that your magic is really quite powerful. OZ: Oh, really? Yes, uh, boggling to the minds of all who witness it. Evanora: Oh, I do wish I could see it for myself. OZ: Yes. Evanora: Why not show me now...
7.《姐姐的守护者》(My Sister's Keeper) 作者:Jodi Picoult 内容:莎拉为了救患白血病的女儿凯蒂,利用医学科技生下与凯蒂同一基因的安娜。十三年来,安娜不断地供应凯蒂血液、骨髓和干细胞。安娜决定起诉父母。 禁因:女性歧视、同性恋、涉性、涉毒、自杀暴力。 8.《地...
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